Additional Support for Adrenal Issues
Our focused topic for August is adrenal support, which is so important given the overwhelming amount of stress that people are experiencing in the world these days. Our adrenal glands produce hormones that help us deal with these stressors, and along with deep...
Love the Skin You’re In!
Healthy skin means a healthy digestive system and liver. If the eyes are the window to your soul, then your skin is the window to your liver and GI tract, especially your colon. Here I go, talking about poop again! Sorry, I am a Naturopath after all. But you can judge...
Peptides: An Exciting New Approach to Treatment
As many of you have probably heard, I'm very excited about a relatively new form of treatment involving the use of peptides. Many years ago, scientists began researching the different ways that cells communicate with each other, one of which is through these small...
Fruit Feasting & Brain Cleansing
I would like to call attention to a topic that everyone enjoys: food! Particularly plant foods that help the lymphatic system move. This movement should transport nutrients and waste products efficiently; if the lymphs are not moving smoothly, either slowly or not at...
The Causes of Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
A sudden increase in blood pressure is a natural response to stress; our bodies are designed to have mechanisms in place to suddenly constrict blood vessels, which increases the blood volume to vital organs like the brain to help us think clearly, and to the large...
The Benefits of a Fasting-Mimicking Diet
Ever since humans have evolved beyond the point of needing to focus exclusively on survival, we've been in search of the secret to longevity--the fountain of youth. There have been many advancements in understanding how we can live healthier lives, but the allure to...

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