I would like to call attention to a topic that everyone enjoys: food! Particularly plant foods that help the lymphatic system move. This movement should transport nutrients and waste
products efficiently; if the lymphs are not moving smoothly, either slowly or not at all, the blood flow is also impeded. This is a huge factor in our suffering, aging, and degeneration. Whether we notice it in the digestive tract with increased food sensitivities and weight gain, or in the muscles and joints as arthritis, osteoporosis or chronic pain, the root mechanism of why that is happening is the same: stagnation. The root cause of stagnation can be unique to each person, but typically, the undercurrent is emotional in nature, and taking care of the lymphatic system will also take care of the emotional body.
Fruits are indeed the most perfect nutrition to cleanse the body. Fruit gets a bad reputation because of sugar content, and we tend to avoid it for fear of weight gain. Sometimes poor fruit combining with fats and proteins is difficult on the digestive energy and leads to sluggish metabolism, elimination, weight gain, depression, etc. With that is the concept to be more mindful with meals or snacks. Fruit is always advised to be eaten alone, first, and with some digestive time before the next item. This allows the digestive energy to be most efficient and keeps the pH of the tract optimal.
Blueberries are encouraged for their positive effects on the brain and the lymphatic system of the cranium, the glymphatics. They essentially help clean up the brain by stimulating autophagy, much like fasting. Quite a few toxins can accumulate within the sinuses, ventricles, fatty myelin sheaths, and cerebrospinal fluid. Our bodies have natural mechanisms to detox every day, but we live in an environment with moderate-heavy exposure to toxins. It is good to know that an everyday occurrence like eating a handful of raw organic or wild blueberries goes a long way of cleaning out the brain, digestive tract, and preventing tumors and degeneration.
The antioxidant status of blueberries is key to keeping the lymphatic system healthy, since that system transports toxins, damaged cells, undigested food to be eliminated and also brings healthy fats to the cells to make membranes, cell walls, organelles, hormones and more. The antioxidants correct any damage from these waste products. The picture I like of this process is where everything is clean. The building block fats are from clean, dense plant foods, there’s not many toxins around because the diet supports the regular detoxification, and the lymphatic vessels are freely moving, keeping the constant scanning of the vessel alert and acting as it should.
It is important to keep in mind that healing the body and feeling good require simple, earth-made solutions. Sometimes we miss the diet-health-vitality connection, but this is a great example of a simple act of nourishment feeling good and doing a tremendous amount of good for you. Perhaps it inspires a mono-fruit feast day, where as much as you need of one fruit satisfies your daily intake. This is a delicious and fun way to challenge and re-energize yourself!
Yours in Health,
Dr. Katie