Helping you restore and maintenance your well-being
We believe that healing is a life-long journey and sometimes along that journey you may require an assistant to help you decipher the information your body is giving you in the form of symptoms.
Most people know acupuncture as the needling of certain points in the body to bring about relaxation and pain relief. This is accurate, but there are many more conditions treated, and different techniques to treat everything that benefits from acupuncture therapy, which is nearly everything.
Acupuncture needles are single use, solid, thin, flexible needles of different lengths of surgical stainless steel. They are much thinner and gentler than needles used for vaccinations or blood draws. Ten to twenty needles are used per treatment session and they are placed in specific points along meridians that have an effect on muscles, nerves, adipose, blood and lymphatic vessels, internal organs, the brain and mind, and the hormone communication in the body. The needle insertion is gentle; from there a sensation of the arrival of qi to the point is attained. This can be a sudden sensation like a throb or a more gradual sensation like an itch or an ache. These are good sensations and indicate the needles are working. After all the needles are inserted, there is no pain and no de qi sensation and a profound relaxation is achieved. Needles are retained for 24-30 minutes, taking care to ensure patient comfort throughout that time, then removed in systematic order to promote the best possible outcome. After an acupuncture session normal activities can be performed, usually taking care not to overdo anything or catch a chill.
The World Health Organization recognizes 31 conditions that have been shown to be treated effectively in controlled trials with acupuncture. This list includes many pain conditions and acupuncture for allergies (low back pain, neck pain, sciatica, facial pain and TMJ pain, dental pain, frozen shoulder, rheumatoid arthritis, postoperative pain, sinus infections and allergic rhinitis) nervous system conditions (headache, stroke, radiation/chemotherapy reactions, depression) gastrointestinal conditions (peptic ulcer, acute bacillary dysentery, biliary colic, nausea and vomiting, acute and chronic gastritis) gynecological conditions (induction of labor, morning sickness, primary dysmenorrhea). This does not include what ancient textbooks say can be improved with acupuncture, which adds Dermatologic (eczema, psoriasis, acne, shingles, boils) renal (edema, retention of urine, nocturia, impotence, hypertension) and neurologic (insomnia, manic-depressive disorders, epilepsy, dizziness. This is quite the comprehensive list.
All natural medicine and bodywork compliments and enhances acupuncture treatments. A 90 minute medical massage and acupuncture greatly reduces chronic pain, anxiety, acute injuries, and increases relaxation and stress release. It is a great treatment combination to experience. Our registered naturopaths provide comprehensive treatment with accupuncture in Prescott, AZ to help you improve your health and quality of life.
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Our professional physicians focus on treating the whole person and are trained in a variety of healing techniques. You will find our compassionate and supportive environment in beautiful Prescott relaxing and inviting from the moment you enter the door.
Drop in or call today to find out how to begin your quest to optimal health.